Topology Qualifying Prep Seminar

This seminar will meet Mondays 3-4:20p and Wednesdays 9-10:20a via Zoom at the meeting code 965 3430 2781. Please email me for the password.

Course Material

Point-Set Topology

Dr Stefano Vidussi

Meeting 1

27 July 2020

Introductions, webpage, and expectations.


Meeting 3

3 August 2020

Discuss my solution to Worksheet 1 Question 2 and used the Meyer-Vietoris sequence to compute the homology of the 2-sphere.


Meeting 4

5 August 2020

A worksheet relating calculus and tangent spaces and vector fields.


Meeting 5

10 August 2020

Discuss some solutions to old qual problems having to do with the regular level set theorem.


Meeting 6

12 August 2020

A worksheet about van Kampen's theorem.

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Meeting 7

17 August 2020

Discussed how homework will work and went over some problems


Meeting 8

19 August 2020

Discussed solutions to Mock Exam #1.


Meeting 11

31 August 2020

A worksheet about CW complexes and cellular homology.


Meeting 12

2 September 2020

Discuss Homework #3.


No Meeting

7 September 2020

Labor Day holiday

No Meeting

9 September 2020

Scholar Strike is an action to disrupt the status quo of colleges and universities in order to "underscore the urgent importance of addressing racism and injustice in the United States."

Scholar Strike website
Scholar Strike YouTube Channel

Meeting 13

14 September 2020

Discuss Mock Exam #2


Meeting 14

16 September 2020

Discussed old qual problems.


Meeting 15

21 September 2020

Discuss the Lie Bracket and related problems.


Meeting 16

23 September 2020

Discuss old qual problems.
